Fondsstad Managed Portfolios
We offer four actively managed portfolios, each with different expected return and risk profile
Invest in a single portfolio or spread your capital across several portfolios
Suitable for investors seeking long-term capital growth
Multi Asset
Average Risk
5 Years | +19.18% | |
3 Years | +1.65% | |
1 Year | +3.80% | |
Global Equity
Higher Risk
5 Years | +85.13% | |
3 Years | +2.88% | |
1 Year | +15.00% | |
Global Equity
Higher Risk
5 Years | +82.16% | |
3 Years | +19.61% | |
1 Year | +10.03% | |
What can Fondsstad do for you?
Whether you are interested to preserve, enhance or build your wealth, Fondsstad offers the perfect investment solution. Fondsstad provides investment opportunities in mutual funds and offers four actively managed portfolios each with a different risk profile, ranging from low to high. Fondsstad managed portfolios are simple, transparent and flexible.
Peace of Mind
Invest through an authorised and regulated investment company. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom. We are also a member of the Stichting DSI in the Netherlands.
Low Fee & Transparant
Fondsstad portfolios have a long and successful track record. Furthermore, our fees are low, and we comply with the transparency guidelines of the FCA. We have negotiated the cost of the funds in which we invest, which means you pay less in fees and keep more in performance.
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Risk of Investing
Investing involves risks, you may lose your investment. The value of your investments depends in part on developments on the financial markets. There can be no guarantee that the investment objective of a managed portfolio will be achieved or provide the returns sought by the portfolio. Past performance is not a guide to future performance, nor a reliable indicator of future results or performance. Please bear in mind that Fondsstad managed portfolios are offered without investment advice. This means we aren’t required to assess the suitability of this product for you. If you’re not sure about investing or how much risk is appropriate for you, please seek financial advice.